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Informed Career-Decisions

Students have knowledge of, and experience in, careers and pathways that match their interests

Initiatives to Achieve This Outcome

  • Industry involvement in classes
  • Industry tours for students and school staff
  • Organise access to, and experiences in, industries that match students’ interests

Successful Outcome

Students have toured and learnt in several workplaces that match their interests and have spoken with employees and employers. These experiences are a regular and essential part of the curriculum and include in-school industry involvement. Students understand the various pathways into their careers of interest before they finish school. Students complete work experience at no cost

Alter the perception of what a successful education and career is

Initiatives to Achieve This Outcome

  • Involvement of successful people in students’ education from a variety of industries and pathways, and in various formats
  • Students and teachers see the inner workings of a range of organisations in different industries and speak with members of each of them
  • Run career-related activities that highlight the current work environment and consider all factors that contribute to being successful

Successful Outcome

Students’ work ambitions are based on their interests, passions and talents, not their ATAR or other influences.  They possess perspective that a job is one part of life. Careers of different people aren’t compared, rather people compare their own career to their idea of success. All pathways and careers are valued and given equal exposure in schools and the community


Industry and educators to work together for the benefit of all

Initiatives to Achieve This Outcome

  • Work with industry members who are enthusiastic about education and showcasing their skills and businesses to schools 
  • Work with school staff who recognise the benefits of industry involvement in classes
  • Facilitate sharing of industry time, knowledge and equipment with schools to match curriculum goals and provide career education
  • Further our engagement with industry and school staff as we promote our work and word spreads of our programs

Successful Outcome

Industry, teachers, community members and the NPL are in regular contact to provide opportunities for students.  Teachers and school staff regularly work with industry to plan experiences for students through the Neil Porter Legacy or as part of their own practice leading to industry involvement becoming part of all teachers’ practice. All teachers, school staff and leaders recognise the importance of careers education and the important role industry can play in it

Career advisers

Initiatives to Achieve This Outcome

  • Advocate the importance of career education and career advisers to government departments, school communities and the wider region 
  • Organise tours of industries to further career advisers’ contacts
  • Share knowledge and opportunities
  • Be in contact regularly with career advisers to listen to their needs and assist them in their work

Successful Outcome

Career advisers are in regular contact with the NPL to work together on various programs and to share knowledge and opportunities. Career advisers value the work of the NPL and are a trusted point of contact who they are enthusiastic to work with. Governments and schools recognise the importance of career education and offer greater support in the forms such as time, resources and funding

Our region

Initiatives to Achieve This Outcome

  • Extend the positive impact we have by working with schools in Warrnambool and district, including WAVE, Merri River, Cobden, Camperdown, Terang, Mortlake, Hawkesdale and Timboon
  • Work with other not-for-profits, organisations and foundations that share our commitment to the best outcomes for students and school-leavers

Successful Outcome

Teachers throughout the region know of the NPL and work with us to organise career-related activities for their students. The NPL has close relationships with other organisations and, when the situation presents, we work together to maximise the benefits for our region.


The best possible outcomes for students and school-leavers

Initiatives to Achieve This Outcome

  • Industry involvement and career-related activities for students in Years 7 – 12
  • Greater access to career advice, particularly in Years 7 – 10
  • Career seminars, activities and promotions that give an unbiased summary of options to students and their parents/care-givers
  • Introductions and time with role models in their fields of interest
  • NPL explores new programs and how they can benefit students in our region
  • NPL creates new programs for the benefit of schools in our region

Successful Outcome

Students have access to one-on-one career advice at school. Schools and students have an understanding of individual students’ passions and interests and how these connect to their future pathway. School-leavers can enter employment in their chosen industry or commence further study in their chosen career path, related to their interests and goals. The NPL regularly investigate programs running in other areas to determine if they can benefit our area and run suitable programs. The NPL also creates their own programs 

Award the Neil Porter Tertiary and Vocational Scholarships annually

Initiatives to Achieve This Outcome

  • Tertiary scholarship of $2000 to a student undertaking an engineering degree
  • Tools and workwear worth $2000 to a school-leaver beginning an apprenticeship

Successful Outcome

Each year two deserving school-leavers are rewarded for their efforts 

The prosperity of local industries and businesses

Initiatives to Achieve This Outcome

  • Industry given opportunities to be part of students’ education and to promote their businesses to potential employees

Successful Outcome

Workforce shortages ease and business growth continues. Opportunities arise for employees through business expansion and businesses moving to the region. School-leavers more inclined to take-up positions as they know they can be successful in them

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